6 Ebook Awards For Self-Publishers

To be nominated or even winning an award is not only a great feeling. It also is also the best publicity: You gain new readers, it increases your prestige as an author and finally raises your sales (often also for your other books). Most often the prize is publicity and a seal, but there are also sponsored awards with a sum of money for the winner. We listed six awards for self-published ebooks for you:

London / New York / San Francisco Book Festival:
The winner gets $1500 cash appearance fee and the flight to the gala awards ceremony. The participation criteria are the same.
Website: londonbookfestival.com newyorkbookfestival.com sanfranciscobookfestival.com
Entry fee: $50 per title
Final entry deadline: November 25 (London), closed (New York), and April 25 (San Francisco)

International Book Awards
Website: internationalbookawards.com
2013-2015 publication date, published in English and with ISBN number. All sales are final. All entry books become the property of International Book Awards and will not be returned.
Early-bird fee: $39.00 (before August 30)
Entry fee: $59.00 per title, per category
Final entry deadline: April 30, 2015.

eLit Awards
Website: elitawards.com
eLit accepts recent ebooks written in English. There is a wide range of categories.
Early-bird fee: $60 per title, per category (August 31)
$70 per title, per category (November 30th)
Entry fee: $80 per title, per category
Final entry deadline: January 31, 2015

EPIC’s eBook Competition
Website: epicorg.org
“Qualifying entries must be submitted as non-DRM PDF format English-language electronic books, including self-published books.”
Entry fee: $25 for EPIC members; $35 for non-members.
Final entry deadline: already closed

The Digital Book Awards
Website: digitalbookworld.com
The Digital Book World is a set of annual awards bestowed in 14 categories representing. The fee includes an automatic entry in our QED process. QED is a quality certification you get when your ebook passes the 13 criteria. The submission for the QED is free, so a good start to get a feeling for the organization and its criteria.
Entry fee: $199
Final entry deadline: September 2

Dan Poynter’s Global Ebook Awards
Website: globalebookawards.com
Entry fee: $79 per title, per category
Final entry deadline:
already closed

Here you can find further links to book awards for self-publishers:

Bottom line, check out genre specific or local awards too. There are most likely less competitors and they have most likely a more specific community too.

Share your experiences with awards with our community or in a comment. Or do you know other awards for self-publishers?

About the author  ⁄ Patricia

Patricia is a member of the XinXii Distribution team. She is responsible for the conversion, validation and delivery of eBooks. Patricia has studied Comparative Literature and since then she has been engaged intensively with eBooks and digital media.

One Comment

  • Reply
    January 5, 2015

    Dear XinXii…if not for you my ebook A Date with Diary 2014 would not have been published…

    then because of an association with XinXii US UK Facebook I sent an entry to the London Book Festival 2014…

    the ebook has been given an honorable mention under the category of Memoirs…

    thank you-Kasthuri Pethaperumal

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