Starting in September, we will host an international live Twitter chat on the first Tuesday of each month to come together and chat about essential self-publishing topics. While the topic and the special guests will change, we will continue to use the same hashtag: #xinxiichat.
We are kicking off our first Twitter Chat next Tuesday, September 2nd. The first live session is dedicated to BOOK COVERS and will be hosting the special guests Derek Murphy and Charles Sheehan-Miles.
Special Guests
Charles Sheehan-Miles has been a soldier, computer programmer, short-order cook and non-profit executive, and is the author of more than a dozen fiction and non-fiction books, including the indie bestsellers Just Remember to Breathe and Republic: A Novel of America’s Future. He is a member of The Authors Guild and the Association of Independent Authors. | @CSheehanMiles | CharlesSheehanMiles
Derek Murphy has worked with hundreds of best-selling authors and thought-leaders to develop book covers that complement their vision, stand out, get noticed, and attract new readers. | @creativindie | Creativindie
What to Do Now
- Please RSVP on our event on Facebook and share the event
- Prepare questions and collect your favorite book covers
- Set yourself a reminder to show up at 10am EST on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd on Twitter
How to Participate
Join us on Twitter on Tuesday, September 02nd, at 10am EST (4pm MESZ). Follow @xinxii_en, and the hashtag #xinxiichat to jump in.
We will use the Q1/A1 system: “A1” stands for “Answer 1”, indicating you’re answering “Q1” (= Question 1). EASY! Anyone can reply with an answer or other comments, just be sure to use the hashtag and the question/answer number so everyone following along will see your comments. Example:
Q1: What is your favorite font for book covers? #xinxiichat
The way you would answer would look something like this:
A1: Trajan Pro – I like this font not just for book covers, but also for chapter headings. #xinxiichat
The chat can move fast sometimes. By using the webbased tool twChat, you can visit our chat room to read the tweets and participate easily without adding the hashtag:
You don’t have to answer every question, and can hop off the chat anytime you want – or you just follow the chat by reading the tweets. Just use the chat hashtag #xinxiichat in the Twitter search box to see new replies as they come in.
What We’ll Discuss
We’ll be focusing the role and the importance of book covers, on how self-publishers can best market their e-book. Charles and Derek will also be sharing tips and success stories. We will also peek into practical topics, such as the collaboration with cover designers or the design of ebook covers itself. Our experts will be available to answer questions or discuss anything you want to know about our topic.
So join in, chat with us, share your favorite book covers, ask questions, learn insider tips, how to design a compelling book cover or just follow the conversation.
We would love to see you on Twitter!
PS: Not on Twitter? Be sure to stop by the XinXii Blog after the event for a chat transcript.
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