10 Questions to … Tanbay Theune

Tanbay Theune, indie author and travel blogger, talks about his desire to travel and how a lack of information brought him to be a self-publishers.

About Tanbay Theune

I moved to England at age 18, which is where I perfected my English. I have years of experience living and working in England, the details of which I have published in my book “Auswandern nach England”. The aim of this book is to help people move to England, and I show how to move there as cheaply and easily as possible. I lived in England from 2007 to 2013 and have travelled the world ever since, how I manage to do that can be read on my website Travellingweasels.com.

1. What are your biggest challenges in your life as an author?

I never planned to be an author. When I moved to England in 2007, I searched the Internet for information which would help me make the move easier. I was so disappointed by what I found, that I decided to make it easier for others by revealing the essentials in my book. In my new book “Erfolgreich Englisch Lernen” I show how I have perfected my English very quickly and give lots of advice which anyone can replicate. My biggest mistake was my former attitude towards success.

2. How were your book covers created? What is the most important about a good cover for you?English-Cover

I designed all my covers myself. It is essential that the covers look good in thumb size, because the customers’ will see them that size first, e.g. on Amazon. Less is more in my opinion, at least when it comes to design.

3. Which criteria define your book prices?

I’m experimenting with my prices, and it looks like €/£/$ 9.99 is a good price for my non-fiction books. My Books “Auswandern nach England” and “Erfolgreich Englisch Lernen” are selling very well at this price.

4. What is your strategy, that your work becomes a bestseller?

XinXii helps a lot with this, because my books are sold on all good online stores such as Amazon. I give 100% in the development of each book and since I have no marketing budget I use social media to draw attention to my books.

5. Besides classic marketing actions, what do you do to boost the success of your book?

I put a lot of effort in the development of the book and the cover. If a book helps someone then word of mouth will make that book go very far.

6. What is your most precious tip for a new indie author?

Write something that is really important to you. My goal is to help people move to England and to make language learning as easy and fast as possible. You should be clear about what you want to achieve with the book from the very start.

7. Where do you write? Would you show us your writing place?

I am a professional house sitter and travel blogger, that means my “desk” changes every few weeks, because I travel a lot. It usually looks something like this:


8. With which author would you like to have dinner, and what were your first question?

I would love to dine with the writing team of the book “The Tools” – Phil Stutz and Barry Michels. My first question would be who had the idea to write the book.

9. What is your next project, and what would you do differently compared to your past ones?

Since my travel blog is successful, my fiance and I are now writing a book together on the subject of traveling, specifically how to travel luxuriously, yet inexpensively around the world, even at a young age. In addition, I’m writing a book on the subject blogging, which will be released in the coming months.

10. What do you appreciate in XinXii?

The great support and the fact that XinXii makes life as an author a lot easier.

Tanbay Theune on XinXii | travellingweasels.com
pinterest.com/travellingweas | facebook.com/travellingweasels | @TanbayT

About the author  ⁄ Stephanie Mattner

Stephanie is a member of the XinXii Distribution team. She is responsible for the conversion, validation and delivery of eBooks. Stephanie has studied German Literature and Information Science in Berlin. Since then she has been engaged intensively with eBooks and digital media.

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