Authors, who sell their eBooks on XinXii, can offer them as an exclusive free download. Readers who are interested in the book enter the code when they check out and download it immediately without having to pay for it.
The generation of coupon codes is easy:
1. Click on the Coupon Manager in the user section “My XinXii”
2. Generate the code
3. Determine the period of the campaign and the number of downloads
4. Ready
When you have generated a coupon code you can additionally edit the information and view the number of the redeemed coupons.
The new feature opens new possibilities for book marketing
We all know the impact of coupon codes from personal experience: to receive something at a reduced price or (in contrast to other customers) for free has its own appeal and seduces us to give it a try. It works even more when the validity of the promotional offer is limited… Every author can use the new tool for book marketing: a coupon code is an unobtrusive marketing instrument to promote your book!
A coupon code achieves its aim when as many people as possible learn about it and redeem it. Not a single opportunity for its application should be missed:
Coupon codes for reviewers
There are bloggers that would exclusively designate a place for your book on their blogs. They present authors as well as publish interviews and reviews. We recommend that indie authors should contact them, introduce themselves and enclose a “XinXii coupon code” with the request for a review of the book. There are already such blogs in the USA, for instance IndieReader, Two Ends of a Pen or The IndieView, which are specialized in indie literature – we would be happy if there is a similar support on the blogger scene in Europe. There is a huge pool of undiscovered perls on XinXii which could be downloaded for free and reviewed through coupon codes. Our new tool gives a further reason for reviewers to register on XinXii, so they can find in their inboxes coupon codes from independent authors as of now 🙂
eBook as a prize for a competition or give-away
Many bloggers advertise competitions. This is a great opportunity to offer your book as a prize! The authors could also start a campaign on their blogs offering the eBook as a free download for a limited time – so to speak as a special “freebie” for true fans. It is also possible to find bloggers in your circle of friends and acquaintances who would support the initiative. They could write an article about the eBook and publish the coupon code – adding a friendly request for a review.
Promotion campaign on forums
Book lovers rejoice at every tip! There are eBook communities and forums, for instance MobileRead, Kindle Boards, Nook Boards, E-Reader Forum,, or, where advertising your own products is not only allowed but also desirable. Our tip: post a short description of your eBook and submit the coupon code for a free download on XinXii – with the hint that it is a limited time offer. Forums are ideal to place your book in the spotlight through the exclusive free downloads!
Entry on coupon sites
According to the study eBooks and eReader – purchase and use in Germany 2011/12 conducted by the University of Hamburg nearly every fourth reader has already read an eBook, while 9% of the people use free eBooks and samples. Coupon sites are another ideal place to reach the bargain-hunters among the eBook readers and suggest a free of charge eBook.
… for example using your email signature and Facebook, Twitter and XING. You should not do more than just share the link to your eBook on XinXii together with the coupon code.
An additional stimulus for redeeming besides the short book description is the book cover – an eyecatcher always makes people curious.
When the eBook is free of charge: time is money – energy and creativity should be applied in order to persuade as many people as possible to read and review the eBook. When many people download and read – and every reader writes a review on XinXii or a blog article, the aim of the promotion campaign is reached!
Have fun sending your coupon codes – or redeeming them and discovering yet undiscovered indie literature!
Those experienced in self marketing are more than welcomed to add suggestions and tips as a comment. Thank you!
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